Instead of having different systems in an organisation all operating as silos, they can be integrated into one high level structure and management framework enabling the core processes to function as one system with improved communication to all organisational staff, role-players and stakeholders. As a result, the organisation will operate effectively with common goals and objectives and all operations will contribute to the achievement of those organisational objectives.

GLA Can Assist Organisations in Integrating the following Quality Management Systems:

  • ISO 9001 -Quality Management System
  • ISO 14001-Environmental Management System
  • ISO 45001-Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The following are the benefits of the Integrated Management Systems approach:

  • synchronized alignment to the accomplishment of the organisations’ objectives,
  • maximising available resources and support functions
  • identifying and monitoring common organisational risks and hazards,
  • eliminating duplication of effort and procedures.
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