On the 15 March 2020 the government declared a National State of Disaster in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic that swept the globe.


Reports state that the total number of hospital admissions and Covid-19 tests have decreased whilst the number of recoveries have increased. This offers an opportunity for a sigh of relief from all South Africans. However the President does not want the progress we have made to relapse. President Cyril Ramaphosa will be addressing the nation again in a few days to clarify on the matter.


Alert Level 1 is still in the horizon and will see the opening of Nightclubs and Events under strict COVID-19 Preparedness Measures. Alert Level 1 will offer more normalcy to the lives of South Africans, however all COVID-19 Procedures will still need to be followed.


GLA is passionate about staying informed and offering updated and relevant products to our client. In light of the changing Alert Levels it is worth noting that all of our products come with a 12 month update service.


Our COVID-19 Preparedness Documentation Product is the easiest way to become compliant with the regulations within the Risk-Adjusted Strategy.


contact us for more information

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